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Found 45165 results for any of the keywords evolutions fire. Time 0.008 seconds.
About Us | Evolutions Fire ProtectionEvolutions Fire Protection are a family run firm operating out of Hornchurch Essex since 2014, utilising our decades of experience in the passive fire sector.
Fire Partition Installation | Evolutions Fire ProtectionEvolutions Fire undertake the installation of a partition and bring it to a sufficient fire rated standard in accordance to the British Gypsum white book.
Fire ECU Unit Installation | Evolutions Fire ProtectionEvolutions Fire undertake the installation of fire rated ecu units over existing electrical intakes. Upgrading the fire rating of many older electrical systems
Fire Stopping | Evolutions Fire ProtectionEvolutions Fire undertake fire stopping installations to services, linear joints and imperfections in construction to the highest certified standard
Services | Evolutions Fire ProtectionEvolutions Fire offer a wide range of services which can be used to help in the undertaking of passive fire protection remedials
Evolutions Fire Protection - Certified Fire Stopping ContractorsQ-Mark certified fire stopping installers capable of covering nationwide projects of any scale or scope. Offering a wide array of passive fire protection services.
Is your Electrical Consumer Unit Fire Rated? | Evolutions Fire ProtectOlder electrical consumer units often do not have a fire resistant enclosures and given their size it is difficult to source a solution. Until now.
Can I use pink foam for firestopping? | Evolutions Fire ProtectionPink Foam, has its purpose in construction is suited specific scenarios. Using Pink Foam for everything may put you at risk, find out more today.
Orwell Quay, Ipswich | Evolutions Fire ProtectionA multi block residential site in Orwell quay Ipswich which had its defects rectified and certified. Reinstating the internal compartmentation for its EWS1.
Grand Felda, Wembley | Evolutions Fire ProtectionEvolutions completed remedials to Grand Felda an 802 Bed Student Accommodation in the heart of Wembley.
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